Super WallyBoy

      Did you know that Charles writes a blog about his adventures with Wally? Check it out here!

Charles' and Wally's Autism Adventures.  He has a new entry up about Wally's super powers. 

     One of Wally's super powers is the way he sees things. Just take a look at this play doh creation he made the other day. He used different sized circles and circle cut-outs to make a face. I think he might have been aiming for Mickey Mouse. He didn't answer when I asked him about it. There is always an extra layer of mystery surrounding this super hero, our WallyBoy. Because he doesn't talk much we often have to guess at what he is doing or what he wants.

          I've heard that service dogs often can read a person better than a human. I'm excited to see how a service dog for Wally might help him be calm when he is having a meltdown or help him relax when he's too wound up to sleep. 

       So far we've raised over 30% of our funding goal for Wally's service dog. Thank you so much!!! If you haven't given yet, would you help us get to 50% by the end of June? You can give here:


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